Return to Private: 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

Day 13


Before beginning this program, please read and make sure you understand and agree to the disclosed potential risks associated with meditation and yoga practice. (link: Disclaimer)

Today is a rest day. The practice of yoga savasana.

Here are a few easy steps to practice:

  1. Find a comfortable practice location where you can lie down on your yoga mat.
  2. You can simply lie down on your back with a rolled blanket underneath your knees and a folded blanket or pillow underneath your head and neck.
  3. Place one hand on your belly and another on your heart. Simply focus on sending breath beneath your hands and savor the quality of your rest.
  4. Rest for as long as feels good or you can set s timer if you are worried about time.
  5. When you are done, take care of yourself to gently come out of the pose and end with gratitude in deep honoring of yourself for completing this practice.