Watching the Eleven O’clock News
by John, circa 2003
Watching the eleven o’clock news with you
is better than eating green grapes from off of green grape vines
Probably because I adore your simultaneous smile and comments on each news headline
It’s funny how I find myself trying to memorize monotonous facts reported Even the weatherman speaking on clouds moving west is scholarly and information I want to write down (For I think, that one cannot be sure when one will be walking west and walk into rain falling from a grey west sky two-blocks over)
I theorize that there must be something I find when I see you gazing through this pure simple space
It could simply just be you being you who is beautiful wearing a simple blue long-sleeved shirt complimented by plain white sweat pants
You balance time and space perfectly while sitting on the far corner of the living room couch
Perhaps it is something inherent in the shade of blue that comprises your eyes that makes even these commercial break moments seem serene
Maybe you just bring some kind of inner-peace deep in my soul With soft words you speak
I’m beginning to think all of these things are secondary in nature
You are only half-of-a living room away resting gently beneath A corner lampshade whose light never before shone for A more interesting subject