John’s Donation Flow class is currently seeking a new time and location. Thank you to YogaSource Palo Alto for hosting the class from the Fall of 2012 – Feb 2013. Since John has let go of his Saturday classes in order to take time for self-reflection, meditation, and healing, the donation class is on hold until John can find a studio with open time to host the class during the week.
All proceeds from this class are donated to non-profit organizations working with under served communities. The non-profits also have a yoga or mindfulness-based program initiative. John Yoga has supported the following organizations on a regular basis:
The Art of Yoga Project
The Africa Yoga Project
The Stanford Early Life Stress Research Program
Donations are currently being sought for a new collaboration John is undertaking with the Yoga At Schools program. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please contact John.
Donation Flow Description:
The Power Hour of Yoga is a Hot, vigorous, strong and challenging Vinyasa yoga practice. It is helpful for students to already have an existing yoga practice as this is a fast-paced, flowing class including strong postures and arm-balances. New students can still attend but are encouraged to move at their own pace and to rest when needed. John thinks of this class as a yoga playground where we have fun, practice hard and with compassion, and listen to some fun music while we do it!