Return to Private: 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

Day 7

Music Meditation*music

Today’s practice is marvelous in it’s ability to get you connected to the present moment through your sense of hearing. You may also discover that it also connects right to your heart. In yoga, the heart is the center of lovingkindness and compassion. The meditation is simple in that all you have to do is choose a favorite piece of music, find a pleasant place to sit- indoors or outside, and listen to your song. The focus in the practice is to allow the music to serve as your present-moment anchor. You may create the practice using the follow steps.

  1. Find your piece of music and have it ready to play, headphones may be useful.
  2. Find your place to sit- inside or outside
  3. Take your seat, get connected to your breathing, get connected to your body
  4. Keep the spine long, stay steady through your seat, let the shoulders and jaw relax
  5. Hit play on your music, consider closing your eyes
  6. Pay attention to every detail of the music, every note, the distance between the notes, the sounds of the instruments, and the vocals
  7. See if there is anything new in this experience of sitting with music in this way
  8. When it is time, conclude the practice with hands on the heart and gratitude toward yourself for taking this time for this special and sacred moment; this honoring of yourself and your life.

*Before beginning this program, please read and make sure you understand and agree to the disclosed potential risks associated with meditation and yoga practice. (link: Disclaimer)