Return to Private: 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

Day 8


Before beginning this program, please read and make sure you understand and agree to the disclosed potential risks associated with meditation and yoga practice. (link: Disclaimer)

Connecting to Intuition – Intutitive Writing

  1. Set up a practice space free from distractions and have your writing materials available
  2. Determine a practice time (5, 10, 15, or more minutes)
  3. Begin with mindfulness practice to let your mind, body, and emotions settle
  4. Optional: Write a question on the top of your page that you want to work with
  5. Let your logical/rational mind turn off and simply write whatever comes through consciousness
  6. When your time period ends, offer gratitude and love towards yourself for completing this practice
  7. Read what you wrote out loud and see how it’s effects on you (Mind, Body, Emotion, Spirit) and note your reactions in your journal
  8. Put your materials away in a safe and sacred place