Return to Private: 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

Day 11


Before beginning this program, please read and make sure you understand and agree to the disclosed potential risks associated with meditation and yoga practice. (link: Disclaimer)

Mindful Walking

  1. Find a special place to do this practice where you will feel safe and a time duration for the practice
  2. Turn off your phone except you may use it as your timer
  3. If available, consider doing your walk in bare feet.
  4. The practice is to take conscious steps at a meditative pace in which you can maintain your balance
  5. Pay attention to your breath and sensations and keep the gaze gentle and soft
  6. Breathe and walk one step after the other along your chosen path
  7. Pay particular attention to each part of the foot touching earth, from the heel, to arch, to ball and pad of the foot through the toes
  8. End with gratitude and honor yourself for taking this time to practice