Return to Private: 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

Day 10

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Day 10: Sacred Mandala Practice mandala

Mandala translates to “sacred circle” in the Sanskrit language- the classical language of India, and is the liturgical language of several religions including Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. You do not have to be a practitioner of any of these traditions or even religious or spiritual to enjoy the benefits of Mandala practice. It is a practice that builds present-moment focus and concentration by immersing you in the act of coloring.

Circles are thought to bring wholeness, integration, and completion. With no rough angles or sudden edges, the circle is a symbol of unity and harmony. I will keep the directions for this practice very simple and obvious.


  1. Setting up your space: for this meditation practice you will need a quiet place and some art materials such as crayons, pencils, or markers. You can either use the mandala provided at the links below, or you can research online how to create your own mandala template.
  2. Once you have your practice space set, take a few moments of quiet, Mindful breathing and a short Body Scan.
  3. When you complete your preparation, take your time to begin filling in your Mandala with color. You can finish in one sessions or complete it little by little.

Mandalas (click to enlarge the image; click through the following page to further enlarge the image):


















